Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Marching forth

Sunday (March 4th!) we celebrated our first anniversary.

Basically this year I've learned that I married the perfect man for me. Despite my craziness he is patient and understanding and that's how I know he loves me. We've been through a lot of changes this year, and they've only made us stronger (which I think is a pretty good sign.) So I'm excited for year two, and all the changes it might bring, because change is what makes us feel alive, and what brings us closer together.

Have a good Tuesday!


  1. Oh what a wonderful day it was! And oh what a great couple you are! Congrats on number 1.

  2. Happy Anniversary! I thought of you as we marched forth on March Fourth! So proud of you!!! Hope you'll come for a DC visit one of these days. love you...
