Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Last Year

One year ago today my parents picked me up from the mission home on the last day of my mission. This is such a funny picture, 1st of all because we were all randomly matching. And also for the two days before we didn't have water so I hadn't showered, (the reason for the bun) but I distinctly remember picking out my favorite blue plaid shirt with puffy sleeves which I thought was beautiful and hip and perfect for the special occasion. ha ha. I even wore my bright blue plastic earrings that were basically spray painted buttons to match. Needless to say, Peru had changed me a little bit. (My mom was kind enough to suggest giving away all of my clothes before we got on the plane)

But in all aspects - inside and out - I was a different person in that picture. And I wish with all of my heart that I could be that person again. My mission was such a beautiful experience. I've never worked so hard or believed in God so much. When I came home, My parents and Ryan were very patient as I adjusted to the realization of being an imperfect person in this imperfect world.

I've been blessed though. It has been a good year and on this day last year I never would have imagined that life could have worked out so well. So today I'm reflecting on my memories of those totally impactful 18 months and I'm so so thankful.


  1. oh, i just love your blog!! this is a cute story sarah! and, for the record, you are one of the people i consider closest to perfection. thanks for that! :) xoxo

  2. It is amazing to think that we were in Peru one year ago. How blessed we were to be able to do that. What a year it has been - coming home, marriage, and New Bedford. I love you both and love reading your blog.
