Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Martha's Vineyard

On saturday we went crazy and decided to go to Martha's Vineyard on a whim. I called my mom at about noon after sleeping in and eating chocolate chip pancakes. (a great way to spend your morning btw) I told her about our new plans and she said, "Well shouldn't you get going?" she was right.  we were in the car at about 12:30 and only then did we realize that the last ferry we could get on was leaving at 1:30. I drove as fast as I could, ryan parked, I bought the tickets and we quickly raced onto the boat, making it just in time.

As we left the dock I laughed at how truly irresponsible/spontaneous we are - these ferry rides aren't cheap and we weren't going to have much time. we didn't even know what we were going to do.

It was totally worth it though. After arrival, and lunch, we found these charming houses, they call these the "gingerbread cottages." They were all tiny tiny homes and painted with fun, bright colors.

Then we decided to rent bikes, which ended up being a great idea because the coastline is beautiful.

...and decided that the best way to see the island is by bike. We found this small park during our ride...

so we decided to park our bikes and take in the view.

It was great. Next time we come, we are bringing a picnic and heading first thing to the bike rentals...we loved riding by the water and taking in the views more than anything else. 

We got to the ferry by 5:15 and we made it just in time to the youth dance in Falmouth. It was a great day and we were pretty much pooped by the end of the night, but living with Ryan is great... I'm so glad to have found someone to share my sense of adventure with:)


  1. One of my very favorite places! So glad you could go there and I could recall a wonderful summer spent many years ago.

  2. I love the gentle "Um shouldn't you get going?" Aren't Moms (or I should say isn't Mom) wonderful? So what's the story with all the youth dances? Is that your calling or something?
